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About Ros

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I'm a freelance Makaton Tutor based in Hampshire, UK delivering Workshops for organisations and individuals


I first became involved with Makaton in 1997 when my daughter was born. Using skills I learned during my time as a trainer in a large high street bank, I qualified as a Makaton Regional Tutor in 2002, and I used Makaton in my work as an Early Years practitioner until 2020 when I took early retirement.


I am passionate about enhancing communication and bringing Makaton to parents, carers, practitioners and children. The training I deliver is brought to life by my personal experiences with my daughter and the children I supported in my role as an Early Years Practitioner.


All Makaton Tutors who deliver their training are licensed by the Makaton Charity. Licences are issued annually and are subject to attendance at annual Study Days arranged by the Charity.


Therefore you can be sure that my own skills and knowledge of all things Makaton are up to date. 

Modular Courses

I am licensed by the Makaton Charity to deliver their Core workshops. Courses are modular and designed to be flexible so that they can be easily tailored to suit individual needs of the client groups.  


I gained my CertEd (PCET) from the University of Portsmouth in 2005. I completed the Foundation Degree in Early Years Care and Education in July 2011.

I also have QTLS status awarded by the Institute for Learning in 2012

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